Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


Well..It was months ago when i had visit Corfu a beautiful greek island..

I was wth my friends and we were searching for a place to eat while i was thinking about my past and i felt sooo nostalgic to be honest..
The truth is that nostalgia is a bitch because make us think that we were actually happy or the days that they passed was sooo hashtag blessed..
But..nuh,not at all!! You may were happy but nostalgia treat us so badly...

*i need to shut up*

Anyway,i would like to tell that when i felt so nostalgic i looked up the sky to make a wish and....YAYY it was a wonderful wonderful (red?) moon..
So, quickly i took my camera and started capture the moment..

I had forgot it..I mean i tried because.. (personal reason)...
But tbh  i couldnt and i still can't!!
That place were pure magic..

Today a friend of mine told me <<Hey Pam, do you remember our trip on that greek island?>> And i was like m8 i need to upload some photos of that place in my blog..

And..well..after my yoga that was what i've done ♥

Have a great day..Or night(here is night) ^^

X.O.X.O Pam ☼

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